Wesson has been reserved a spot for a Natural Killer Cell Therapy phase 1 clinical trial on May 16th in a last attempt to hopefully bring his cancer into the full remission that the toxic chemotherapy has deemed so very unsuccessful at. He will undergo a bone marrow aspiration on Monday April 9th. The results of the aspiration will ultimately show us whether Wesson's cancer has responded to the currrent regimen of chemotherapy...and if unsuccessful will ultimately land us in an immunotherapy protocol that has unexpectedly opened up within the last week. Wesson will also be tested on Monday April 9th for a protein marker on the surface of his leukemia cells. This is called the CD22 marker....and will ultimately determine if he will be eligible for the next clinical trial that the oncologists here at St. Jude have in store for him. This is the Monoclonal Antibody Therapy --- an intravenous infusion of antibodies that are targeted to attack a protein on Wesson's cancer cells and ultimately kill them....with high hopes of bringing him into a clean remission.
Needless to say the last few weeks have been a little scary....but we are not even close to giving up or giving in. Even though Wesson's cancer continues to aggress, we as a family continue reach out and lean on or enduring faith...and look to our determined oncologist here at St. Jude for greater options. Great hope remains with the next two clinical trials that Wesson is planned to undergo -- and in our hearts, we know that sweet Wesson can defeat this demonic cancer. Wesson is bigger than this, and we know that God has great plans in store for him. It is a long road to get there...but we are certain that at the end of this tunnel there is a light ---- as the saying goes "It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn"
Latest pictures of our amazing little fighter and his sweet big brother.....
Wesson checking the temperature of his tub bath before letting mommy clean him....
And fighting with big brother for Angry Birds on the Kindle!
Attempting his first few steps with the help of daddy.
Waking Keegan up early from his naps --- because everybody knows.... naps are for the birds!
Just another day in Assessment Triage at St. Jude.
Playing Guess Who?! On Rainy Memphis Days....
....And fun times pretending to take Wesson on a Target Run ...since we really cant ---- it' the little things.
First Oreo cookie in the Kay Cafe of St. Jude -- it was love at first nibble...
First Taste of Spring .....Although it feels much more like Summer!
Lots of snacking, playing, and good ol' boy fun goes on in the Med Room....where Wesson's blood/platelet transfusions and chemotherapy infusions take place....
Wesson and his new sunglasses! Given to him by a sweet volunteer in the A-B clinic waiting room
on 4.4.12
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